Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the Meat Life: College Football Preview --- Part Thrice

the Meat Five Predictions of 2010

Will Mallett win the Heisman?

Woo!  This segment returns for a third straight year.  There have been some excellent predictions that I have made (like OU winning three straight Big 12 titles or that there wasn’t going to be a repeat Heisman winner), while other predictions were downright wrong (the 2009 national championship would be a rematch of 2008 or that the Heisman wasn’t going to have another sophomore winner).  Those are in the past, though.  I’m looking toward the immediate future and I think I have these things clear in my head.  So without further ado, the Meat Five Predictions of 2010.

1. Rich-Rod and D-Hawk will be fired after this season

Okay, so I’ve been predicting that Hawkins would be out of Colorado for the past three years, but you can’t argue with the 16-33 record he’s had in Boulder.  If you caught the game last season versus Toledo (it was a Friday night game, so nothing else was on) then you know how embarrassing it was to watch the Buffs get run up and down the field.  If you are a Big 12 team (even if you are in the North), you DO NOT get lit up 54-38 by Toledo…especially when the receivers at Toledo looked like they had Florida Gator receiver speed against the Buff D.  I believe once Colorado leaves the Big 12, that D-Hawk will be forced to leave Buffaloes.

Rich Rodriguez has been at Michigan for less time, but with similar results (8-16).  Think about this, his first year there was the first time since the 1960s that Michigan had lost to all three of their chief rivals (Ohio State, Notre Dame, and Michigan State).  His spread option offense may have worked in the Big East, but that style of play isn’t very conducive in Big Ten country.  And now he’s under fire for alleged recruiting violations at his old job in West Virginia and his current job as well.  I don’t think even an 8 win season would be enough to save his job if all these violation talks are true.  The last thing Michigan would want would to be the next USC when it comes to NCAA punishment.

2. The Heisman Trophy will NOT go to a sophomore this year

Yes, I know.  I’ve said this before (2008).  But look at the field of potential Heisman finalists.  Locker.  Mallett.  Pryor.  Ponder.  Even Jacquizz Rogers from Oregon State are all juniors and seniors.  And I’m not sure the Downtown Athletic Club want to make it a habit of giving sophomores the award (the last THREE winners have been sophomores, the only sophomores in the history of the award).  So unless I’m busted up by someone like Dion Lewis or LaMichael James (you damn sophomores are going to break up this prediction aren’t you?), I think my prediction is a safe one.  My pony in this Heisman race = Ryan Mallett.

3. Boise State will NOT play for a national title this year

As much as the national media might want this to happen, it won’t.  The Broncos are ranked in the preseason top 5 for the first time, but there will always be that ceiling that will prevent them from reaching the top 2.  Boise has some gutsy scheduling this year that will help their cause if they can escape with a win against Virginia Tech on a neutral field and Oregon State at home.  I don’t think they have it to win both of those games though.  Unless both of those teams pull an Oregon and totally break down while playing the Broncos.  Even then, poll voters are more inclined to vote a one-loss SEC or Big 12 school over an undefeated Boise State.  The move to the Mountain West Conference next year will give them more legitimacy, but for now they’ll have to settle for the media darling that won’t break through the top 2.

4. The BCS National Championship Game will match up Ohio State and Alabama

Again with the chalk championship pick, I know.  But I can’t picture anyone else (well besides another team in crimson, but that would be the homer in me) more in position to run the table in their respective conferences and end up in the title game.  Can Bama repeat?  I say yes, the Crimson Tide will be the first repeat champions in the BCS era (I don’t count USC, one of those was only an AP title and not both).  Given Alabama’s defensive dominance and Ohio State’s history and lack of variety on offense in those title tilts, I’ll give Bama a 31-13 win.

5. And finally the Conference Winners:

Big East – Pittsburgh.  The Panthers will take advantage of a perceived down conference.
Big Ten – Ohio State.  Too much talent, especially if the Bucks finally figure out how to use Pryor.
Big 12 – Oklahoma.  All the experience gained by the youth last year will pay off.
ACC – Miami.  The U…is back?  I think so.
SEC – Alabama.  Crazy talented.  Heisman winner returning.  Saban D.  Nuff said.
Pac-10 – Oregon.  Even with Musoli gone, they are still the most complete team in Pac-10.
Mountain West – TCU.  Basically their entire team is back from a one-loss season last year.
WAC – Boise State.  If they make a BCS bowl, please DON’T make it against TCU again.  Thanks.
Sun Belt – Troy.  Trojans have dominated this league, have won 4 of last 5 years.
Conference USA – Houston.  Last year they made steps, but this year they are legit.
MAC – Toledo.  Central Michigan’s LeFevour graduated.  Toledo’s spread O will take over MAC.

Well there you have it.  It’s going to be an exciting season.  I know probably three of these will be totally and utterly wrong.  But hey, that’s why they play the games.  Don’t agree with one or more of these predictions?  Hit me up.

Enjoy the season sports fans!


Ed The Sports Fan said...

Go head then Chris, glad to see you blogging again.

1) Rich Rod's gonna have a good year, Hawkins? Fired.

2) I agree.

3) If they beat VTech and Oregon State, and go undefeated...they deserve to go. Will it happen? Ehh....

4) If Ohio State and Alabama happens I might shoot myself in the pinky toe.

Chris said...

Thanks man!