Friday, August 27, 2010

What Is Old Is New Again

Well, I ran a little behind on my summer movie viewing, so I have pushed back the summer movie review for the second week of September…because I can.  So this entry will focus on music.

These days, popular music is full of samples and borrowed lines.  Musical styles are even cyclical.  And why not?  With industry album sales constantly going down, record labels are probably pushing artists to put out something familiar sounding.

But if you haven’t noticed, it takes less time for something to be borrowed.

The best example of this is T.I.’s 2004 release “Bring ‘Em Out.”  The hook is sampled from a line on Jay-Z’s “What More Can I Say,” which came out about a year before.  But the line from the song was a borrowed quote from 1999 Notorious B.I.G. posthumous song “Rap Phenomenon.”  Did you keep up with all that?  So basically in the course of five years, one line in a song was used in three different songs by three different artists (well technically two since one was a sample).

Sometimes the sample game can span decades.  The original version of this year’s Jason Derulo release “Ridin’ Solo” sampled The Verve’s 1998 hit “Bittersweet Symphony,” which in turn sampled an orchestra arrangement of The Rolling Stones “The Last Time” released in 1965.  There was so much controversy and lawyering when “Bittersweet Symphony” came out that all the royalties from the song ended up going to the Rolling Stones.  The legal wrangling continued.  The Derulo sample of the same orchestra arrangement did not clear copyrights, and so now the song is played on radio sans the sample.

And that isn’t the first song that Derulo has sampled.  His biggest hit to date, last year’s “Whatcha Say,” has a sample of the chorus of the 2005 indie hit “Hide and Seek” from Imogen Heap.  The song may sound familiar because it was used in the last scene of the second season finale of The OC and then later parodied on SNL two years later in the Digital Short “Dear Sister.”

Of course, sampling has been done for years.  Back when Diddy was still Puff Daddy he declared that he “take[s] hits from the 80s, but do it sound so crazy?”

Styles are even cyclical.  The Killers would have probably been a good 80s band.  Also songs like Metro Station’s 2008 hit “Shake It” and this year’s release from Runner Runner “So Obvious” has a real 80s vibe.  Even Kanye West and Black Eyed Peas get in on the 80s.  Or as pointed out a few months back, Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro” sounds very reminiscent of Ace of Base’s 1994 hit “Don’t Turn Around,” much like how the guitar riff from Papa Roach’s 2000 hit “Last Resort” is much the same as the riff from “Brain Stew,” the smash from Green Day back in 1996.

It’s all good to me.  Now if only they can get JNCOs back in fashion (not really).

Downloads for August:

Linkin Park’s “The Catalyst”: first single off the upcoming A Thousand Suns.  It’s like if a revolt had a soundtrack that would be the song.

Passion Pit’s “Sleepyhead (Starsmith Remix)”: gets stuck in your head all day.

Dorrough’s “Get Big”: first heard this a few months ago in a friend’s car.  Track bumps hard!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the Meat Life: College Football Preview --- Part Thrice

the Meat Five Predictions of 2010

Will Mallett win the Heisman?

Woo!  This segment returns for a third straight year.  There have been some excellent predictions that I have made (like OU winning three straight Big 12 titles or that there wasn’t going to be a repeat Heisman winner), while other predictions were downright wrong (the 2009 national championship would be a rematch of 2008 or that the Heisman wasn’t going to have another sophomore winner).  Those are in the past, though.  I’m looking toward the immediate future and I think I have these things clear in my head.  So without further ado, the Meat Five Predictions of 2010.

1. Rich-Rod and D-Hawk will be fired after this season

Okay, so I’ve been predicting that Hawkins would be out of Colorado for the past three years, but you can’t argue with the 16-33 record he’s had in Boulder.  If you caught the game last season versus Toledo (it was a Friday night game, so nothing else was on) then you know how embarrassing it was to watch the Buffs get run up and down the field.  If you are a Big 12 team (even if you are in the North), you DO NOT get lit up 54-38 by Toledo…especially when the receivers at Toledo looked like they had Florida Gator receiver speed against the Buff D.  I believe once Colorado leaves the Big 12, that D-Hawk will be forced to leave Buffaloes.

Rich Rodriguez has been at Michigan for less time, but with similar results (8-16).  Think about this, his first year there was the first time since the 1960s that Michigan had lost to all three of their chief rivals (Ohio State, Notre Dame, and Michigan State).  His spread option offense may have worked in the Big East, but that style of play isn’t very conducive in Big Ten country.  And now he’s under fire for alleged recruiting violations at his old job in West Virginia and his current job as well.  I don’t think even an 8 win season would be enough to save his job if all these violation talks are true.  The last thing Michigan would want would to be the next USC when it comes to NCAA punishment.

2. The Heisman Trophy will NOT go to a sophomore this year

Yes, I know.  I’ve said this before (2008).  But look at the field of potential Heisman finalists.  Locker.  Mallett.  Pryor.  Ponder.  Even Jacquizz Rogers from Oregon State are all juniors and seniors.  And I’m not sure the Downtown Athletic Club want to make it a habit of giving sophomores the award (the last THREE winners have been sophomores, the only sophomores in the history of the award).  So unless I’m busted up by someone like Dion Lewis or LaMichael James (you damn sophomores are going to break up this prediction aren’t you?), I think my prediction is a safe one.  My pony in this Heisman race = Ryan Mallett.

3. Boise State will NOT play for a national title this year

As much as the national media might want this to happen, it won’t.  The Broncos are ranked in the preseason top 5 for the first time, but there will always be that ceiling that will prevent them from reaching the top 2.  Boise has some gutsy scheduling this year that will help their cause if they can escape with a win against Virginia Tech on a neutral field and Oregon State at home.  I don’t think they have it to win both of those games though.  Unless both of those teams pull an Oregon and totally break down while playing the Broncos.  Even then, poll voters are more inclined to vote a one-loss SEC or Big 12 school over an undefeated Boise State.  The move to the Mountain West Conference next year will give them more legitimacy, but for now they’ll have to settle for the media darling that won’t break through the top 2.

4. The BCS National Championship Game will match up Ohio State and Alabama

Again with the chalk championship pick, I know.  But I can’t picture anyone else (well besides another team in crimson, but that would be the homer in me) more in position to run the table in their respective conferences and end up in the title game.  Can Bama repeat?  I say yes, the Crimson Tide will be the first repeat champions in the BCS era (I don’t count USC, one of those was only an AP title and not both).  Given Alabama’s defensive dominance and Ohio State’s history and lack of variety on offense in those title tilts, I’ll give Bama a 31-13 win.

5. And finally the Conference Winners:

Big East – Pittsburgh.  The Panthers will take advantage of a perceived down conference.
Big Ten – Ohio State.  Too much talent, especially if the Bucks finally figure out how to use Pryor.
Big 12 – Oklahoma.  All the experience gained by the youth last year will pay off.
ACC – Miami.  The U…is back?  I think so.
SEC – Alabama.  Crazy talented.  Heisman winner returning.  Saban D.  Nuff said.
Pac-10 – Oregon.  Even with Musoli gone, they are still the most complete team in Pac-10.
Mountain West – TCU.  Basically their entire team is back from a one-loss season last year.
WAC – Boise State.  If they make a BCS bowl, please DON’T make it against TCU again.  Thanks.
Sun Belt – Troy.  Trojans have dominated this league, have won 4 of last 5 years.
Conference USA – Houston.  Last year they made steps, but this year they are legit.
MAC – Toledo.  Central Michigan’s LeFevour graduated.  Toledo’s spread O will take over MAC.

Well there you have it.  It’s going to be an exciting season.  I know probably three of these will be totally and utterly wrong.  But hey, that’s why they play the games.  Don’t agree with one or more of these predictions?  Hit me up.

Enjoy the season sports fans!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hot hot HOT Links

Here are your weekly links accompanied by my commentary!

Facebook and other tech stuff

-Facebook streamlines their birthday wall posts.  I actually noticed this a few days ago and was rather pleased.  Took me less time to read through my feeds.

-Facebook to start a Foursquare-like geolocation feature.  But can't you update your location on Facebook using Foursquare already?  I don't know, I don't use Foursquare...

-Android now tops US smartphone sales.  I'll admit, Google is gaining smartphone OS market share...but if you come out with a new phone every month on virtually every US carrier then you will obvious sell a lot of phones with your OS.  What will be more interesting is if Apple ever decides to release a version of the iPhone on another network (like the nation's largest network Verizon...)

-Google still rules the search market share (yeah, who ever thought we would talk about a market share for searching for things) but is lagging behind the innovation of Bing (innovation and Microsoft?  Really?!?).

-George Lucas drops a lawsuit against a company that built a laser that "copied" the form of a lightsaber.  Get a life, George.  Just because a company builds a laser doesn't mean they copied you.

-New Blackberry Torch review.  Looks nice.  I'm not really a Blackberry guy though.


-Since Tiger Woods has been sucking it up lately, we get a preview of the golf world post-Tiger.

-Pro Football Hall of Fame welcomes Jerry Rice and Emmitt Smith.  I wasn't a bit Cowboys fan growing up (still not) but I have respect for Smith.  Rice, however...greatest of all time!

-I neglected to include this in the last links, but my boy Sam Bradford inks a deal with the Rams.  My opinion...NFL needs to do what the NBA does with rookie contracts and have them staggered so that they don't get so much of that guaranteed money right away and have to earn it.  So many like Jamarcus Russell get overpaid (in his case, STEALING money) and like Chris Johnson or Darrelle Revis get massively underpaid.

-LeBron finally gives his thanks to Cleveland while Shaq signs with the Celtics.  In other LeBron news, his longtime girlfriend was against going to Miami.  Should have listened to your girl Bron-Bron.

-OKC Thunder national TV schedule is LOADED this year.  After only two games on ESPN during the regular season, it seems that the Thunder are the NBA's "IT" young team.  FOURTEEN nationally televised games!  Not bad for the country's 45th largest TV market.

-ESPN has an awesome House of Pain feature counting down the Top 50 most painful outcomes (painful for some anyway).

-Stoopsie taking a tour of ESPN today.  Nice.


-Interesting Gaga quotes.  Why would men want to steal your creativity from your vagina?  I think that's the last thing they would want to do with a vagina...

-Why won't Kate Gosselin just go away?

-Wyclef Jean puts in his bid to become president of Haiti.  The hips don't lie...ready or not, here he comes...he'll be gone till November...okay I'm out of Wyclef lyric jokes.

Alright, I better go to bed right now...right after I watch the rest of Ferris Bueller's Day Off on AMC.  G'night!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

the Meat Life: College Football Preview --- Part Deuce

What to Watch For

Warning: Entry is LONG! (That’s what she said.)

We are going all ESPN2 on you right now.  The Deuce will tell you what to watch for each week.  Think of it as the Meat Life’s viewer’s guide.  I’ll give you matchups to view every week.  That way if your fave team is playing Creampuff U, you will have something to entertain you that weekend while your team puts up half a hundred on that Southeastern State Tech University of one of those states out there somewhere west of the east Mississippi.  There will be “must-sees” and “if you have the times” matchups.  Some of the weeks later in the season are really lean on premier matches, so they’ll just have “must sees.”  I’ll revisit these matchup later in the season, seeing if they were actually the ones to watch that week.

Without further ado, here they are!

Week One

Must See:
Washington at BYU Saturday 9/4 6PM CT
LSU vs North Carolina Saturday 9/4 7PM CT
Boise State vs Virginia Tech Monday 9/6 7PM CT

Jake Locker will be back at the same place where two years ago he was called for excessive celebration as he ran in for the potential tying score.  The penalty pushed the extra point back, the kick was blocked, and Washington went on to an 0-12 record.  While Locker will try to exercise those demons, LSU’s inconsistent offense meets North Carolina’s defense that fields a potential 8 NFL prospects.  On a rare Monday night affair, Boise State will try to start their season on a high note against their marquee match of the year in Frank Beamer’s Virginia Tech team.

If you have the time…:
Oregon State vs TCU Saturday 9/4 6:45PM CT
SMU at Texas Tech Sunday 9/5 2:30PM CT

Week Two

Must See:
Florida State at Oklahoma Saturday 9/11 2:30PM CT
Miami (FL) at Ohio State Saturday 9/11 2:40 CT
Penn State at Alabama Saturday 9/11 6PM CT

Perhaps Oklahoma’s toughest home test will be against the Seminoles in the new Jimbo Fisher era and Heisman hopeful QB Christian Ponder.  Miami will start their pair of tough road games as they travel to the much hyped Ohio State team.  And Alabama is put to the test at home against JoePa’s Nittany Lions.

If you have the time…:
Michigan at Notre Dame Saturday 9/11 2:30 PM CT
South Florida at Florida Saturday 9/11 TBA
Oregon at Tennessee Saturday 9/11 6PM CT

Week Three

Must See:
BYU at Florida State Saturday 9/18 2:30PM CT
Nebraska at Washington Saturday 9/18 2:30PM CT
Texas at Texas Tech Saturday 9/18 7PM CT

BYU hosted this matchup last year where they were throttled 54-28.  This year they will look for revenge against a team in Florida State that was only 3-3 at home.  Nebraska will test it’s well vaunted defense against the Locker/Sarkisian offense.  The past couple of years the Texas-Texas Tech games have been filled with back and forth action and a drama-filled ending in 2008 (that Crabtree catch…I don’t think I jumped higher than that, until OU blew out Tech the following week).

If you have the time…:
Arkansas at Georgia Saturday 9/18 11AM CT
Baylor at TCU Saturday 9/18 3:30PM CT

Week Four

Must See:
Miami (FL) at Pittsburgh Thursday 9/23 6:30PM CT
West Virginia at LSU Saturday 9/25 7PM CT
Alabama at Arkansas Saturday 9/25 TBA

Miami will continue the tough road trip against old Big East foe and much talked about Pittsburgh.  I don’t know why, but West Virginia visiting LSU just sounds entertaining.  And probably the most intriguing match that week to me will be the National Champs visiting QB Ryan Mallett and the Razorbacks.  They may have a suspect defense, but Mallett launching rockets will be something to see.

If you have the time…:
Oklahoma vs Cincinnati Saturday 9/25 TBA
UCLA at Texas Saturday 9/25 TBA

Week Five

Must See:
Oklahoma vs Texas Saturday 10/2 TBA
Florida at Alabama Saturday 10/2 TBA
Washington at USC Saturday 10/2 7PM CST

The Red River Rivalry will look to be another classic, as the last three have been decided by 10 points or less.  This meeting will match two sophomore QBs in Landry Jones and Garrett Gilbert replacing two legends Sam Bradford and Colt McCoy.  BOOMER!  SOONER!  Speaking of replacing a “legend,” Florida’s John Brantley will hop in “Saint Tebow’s” spot at QB as they rematch a team they played in the last two SEC Championship games.  And while on probation, USC still looks threatening even with Lane Kiffin at the helm as Washington looks to pull another upset.

If you have the time…:
Penn State at Iowa Saturday 10/2 7:05PM CST
Miami (FL) at Clemson Saturday 10/2 TBA
Georgia at Colorado Saturday 10/2 3:30PM CT

Week Six

Must See:
Arkansas vs Texas A&M Saturday 10/9 TBA
Florida State at Miami (FL) Saturday 10/9 TBA
Pittsburgh at Notre Dame Saturday 10/9 2:30PM CT

An old Southwest Conference match in Arkansas meeting A&M, this appears to be an offensive treat featuring Mallett and Jerrod Johnson (two of my Who to Watch For players).  The Seminoles and Hurricanes game is always entertaining, as last year was just one of those examples.  One of these teams will look to declare that their program is officially back with a victory.  The Brian Kelly era in Notre Dame will have perhaps their toughest game of the year as they host the Panthers who last year held off a ferocious fourth quarter comeback by the Irish with a final score of 27-22.

If you have the time…:
LSU at Florida Saturday 10/9 TBA
Oregon State at Arizona Saturday 10/9 TBA

Week Seven

Must See:
South Florida at West Virginia Thursday 10/14 6:30PM CT
BYU at TCU Saturday 10/16 3PM CT
Texas at Nebraska Saturday 10/16 TBA

New South Florida coach Skip Holtz will look to continue the Bulls good fortune against the Mountaineers (Bulls have owned WV three of the last four matches).  Look for BYU and TCU to be ranked and to have a closer game than the 38-7 whippin the Horned Frogs gave the Cougars in this Mountain West matchup.  And probably the biggest rematch we in Big 12 country will probably be looking to when Texas visits Lincoln, Nebraska.  The Cornhuskers were one controversial second away from taking down the Longhorns.  And during the off-season the name-calling from both camps flew wild as the conference realignment talk was hot.  One last send off to Texas before Nebraska leaves to the Big Ten?

If you have the time…:
Oklahoma State at Texas Tech Saturday 10/16 TBA
Cal at USC Saturday 10/16 2:30PM CT

Week Eight

Must See:
Notre Dame vs Navy
Saturday 10/23 11AM CT
Oklahoma at Missouri Saturday 10/23 TBA
Houston at SMU Saturday 10/23 2:30PM CT

Well, the matchups start to thin out from this week on until the Thanksgiving weekend.  Brian Kelly’s Irish will try to slow Navy and coach Ken Niumatalolo’s option offense that has beaten Notre Dame two of the last three years.  The Oklahoma defense will be tested by Mizzou’s Blaine Gabbert, the Big 12 North’s most experienced QB.  And did someone say “shoot-out?”  It’ll be an old-fashioned shoot out as Houston and SMU will try to see who can score 50 first before 60 minutes is up.

Week Nine

Must See:
Missouri at Nebraska Saturday 10/30 TBA
Florida vs Georgia Saturday 10/30 2:30PM CT
Oregon at USC Saturday 10/30 7PM CT

You think Mizzou felt left out of all the Big Ten move talk when Nebraska actually is moving and the Tigers were left standing still and almost had no conference to play for?  It’ll be one last hurrah between these two for the Big 12 North title if both end up toward the top of the division by this time.  If Georgia gets back on track this season, this Outdoor Cocktail Party could be a big one.  Even with the probation USC could still win the Pac-10 title, so this game with Oregon could be for that title.

Week Ten

Must See:
Georgia Tech at Virginia Tech Thursday 11/4 6:30PM CT
Oklahoma at Texas A&M Saturday 11/6 TBA
Alabama at LSU Saturday 11/6 7PM CT

Control for the Coastal Division of the ACC could be at stake as the Paul Johnson option at GT will be in full effect while QB Tyrod Taylor and the Hokies will try to Beamer-ball it up.  The Sooners toughest road test will be against A&M’s Johnson.  If the Aggies are the dark-horse in the Big 12 South, they will need to put up a fight against OU.  LSU coach Les Miles will possibly be on the hot seat by this matchup against the Crimson Tide.

Week Eleven

Must See:
Kansas at Nebraska Saturday 11/13 TBA
Cincinnati at West Virginia Saturday 11/13 TBA
Penn State at Ohio State Saturday 11/13 TBA

New Kansas coach and Nebraska legend Turner Gill will take on his old team for the first and probably only time since the Cornhuskers will be heading to Big Ten land.  The last three Cincinnati-West Virginia games have been decided by five points or less.  The two most dominate teams in the Big Ten in the last few years will get to meet to decide the conference (maybe) when the Nittany Lions and Buckeyes.

Week Twelve

Must See:
Virginia Tech at Miami (FL) Saturday 11/20 TBA
Pittsburgh at South Florida Saturday 11/20 TBA
USC at Oregon State Saturday 11/20 7PM CT

Miami was supposed to be dominant team in the division out of the two when both defected from the Big East, but Virginia Tech has been the team owning the conference (2 conference crowns and another appearance in the conference championship game).  The ACC Coastal Division is up for grabs with a possible deciding game.  The Big East race could be tight by the time Pittsburgh makes the trip to South Florida.  Although the Bulls have had solid seasons the past 4-5 years, they seem to break down the second half of the season (2-3 in the last 5 games the last two years).  USC returns to the Beavertown, a place where the Trojans have had trouble with and lost the last couple times they have been there.  In a wide-open Pac-10 this year, this could be Oregon State’s opportunity to take control.

Week Thirteen

Must See:
Texas A&M at Texas Thursday 11/25 7PM CT
West Virginia at Pittsburgh Friday 11/26 TBA
Colorado at Nebraska Friday 11/26 2:30PM CT
LSU at Arkansas Saturday 11/27 TBA
Michigan at Ohio State Saturday 11/27 TBA
Oklahoma at Oklahoma State Saturday 11/27 TBA
Florida at Florida State Saturday 11/27 TBA
BYU at Utah Saturday 11/27 2:30PM CT
Notre Dame at USC Saturday 11/27 7PM CT

Thanksgiving weekend always features the rivalry spotlight.  Texas A&M and Texas will try to have a sequel to the shootout they had last season.  The Backyard Brawl recently has had Pitt as the underdog, but the Mountaineers could be the underdog in this matchup.  The two teams leaving the Big 12 meet for perhaps the final time as Colorado visits Nebraska.  SEC Western Division championship on the line or at least second place?  LSU will travel to Fayetteville, Arkansas to decide.  The Michigan-Ohio State game should be entertaining, but I’m still not convinced that Wolverines coach Rich Rodriguez will be around after this year.  The Bedlam Game will always be entertaining.  The last time Oklahoma was in Stillwater, former OU QB Sam Bradford showed his acrobatics on the way to the Heisman Trophy.  Will Florida State be able to make it a game against Florida now that Tim Tebow is gone?  Will this be the last year of the Holy War, as BYU watches it’s in-state rival Utah leave for the Pac-10?  And finally will Kelly bring the Irish to the promise-land and do something that Notre Dame hasn’t done in almost a decade and beat USC?

Week Fourteen

Must See:
Pittsburgh at Cincinnati Saturday 12/4 TBA
Oregon at Oregon State Saturday 12/4 TBA
SEC Championship Game Saturday 12/4 TBA
Big 12 Championship Game Saturday 12/4 TBA

How good was that Pitt-Cincy game last year?  Pitt had a 31-10 lead at half and the Bearcats made a monumental comeback culminating in a missed extra point by the Panthers with 1:36 left and Cincinnati scoring with :33 seconds left.  The Civil War last year was basically a de facto Pac-10 Championship game and the way the Pac-10 is this season that could be the case again.  The SEC championship game could feature two new competitors this year…or it could be Florida and Alabama again for the third time in a row.  And could this be the last Big 12 Championship ever?  Will it be a rematch of Texas and Nebraska?  Could it be the last ever (at least for a long while) Oklahoma-Nebraska game?  Or can teams like Texas A&M and Missouri make it to the Cowboys Stadium jumbotron?

Week Fifteen
Must See:
Army vs Navy
Saturday 12/11 1:30PM CT

One of the oldest and most tradition-filled rivalries in all of sports, the Army-Navy game was moved to its own weekend (making it the only college game on that weekend, kind of cool).  Since my dad was in the Army for 22 years I grew up watching this game.  Army has been on a slide the last decade against Navy, but Army coach Rich Ellerson have the Black Knights on the right track.  Go Army!

In two weeks, I’ll conclude my college football preview with Part Thrice – the Meat Five Predictions for 2010.  That doesn’t mean I won’t have any entries in the meantime.  So look out in the next few days!